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Issue with Steam and FM game
Hi all,

I am new here. I just installed Linux lite 5.8 and Steam.

Installed my Game, Football manager 2022.
I played it without issues on previous distros ( Linux Mint, Arch, Zorin etc).

But now, when I press play, game loaded but got black screen only.

What should I do or check ?

I don't want to switch to another distro, this looks like an awesome one Smile

I tried to run Steam via terminal to check some logs :

[quote]marko  ~  steam
[2022-01-31 20:29:15] Startup - updater built Jan 16 2022 17:34:43
[2022-01-31 20:29:15] Using the following download hosts for Public, Realm steamglobal
[2022-01-31 20:29:15] 1., /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 100, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
[2022-01-31 20:29:15] 2., /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 100, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
[2022-01-31 20:29:15] 3., /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'baked in'
[2022-01-31 20:29:15] Verifying installation...
[2022-01-31 20:29:15] Verification complete
Vulkan missing requested extension 'VK_KHR_surface'.
Vulkan missing requested extension 'VK_KHR_xlib_surface'.
BInit - Unable to initialize Vulkan!
chdir /home/marko/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2022
31/01/2022 20:29:45:089/00:00.80 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Initialized. Setting Logging Callback ...
31/01/2022 20:29:45:089/00:00.80 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Logging Callback Set
31/01/2022 20:29:45:091/00:00.81 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
[ LogEOSOverlay ] Overlay will not load, because the binary's path is not config
31/01/2022 20:29:45:376/00:01.09 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Checking DLC
31/01/2022 20:29:46:112/00:01.83 default D 00308 Application: loading skin cache
31/01/2022 20:29:46:442/00:02.16 default D 00308 Application: ...finished loadin
g skin cache. Took 330ms
31/01/2022 20:29:46:443/00:02.16 default D 00308 Application: Loading translatio
n data...
31/01/2022 20:29:46:482/00:02.20 default D 00308 Application: ...Loading transla
tion data took 39ms
31/01/2022 20:29:48:325/00:04.04 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Warning: [ LogEOSAuth ] No existing persistent auth credentials were found for a
utomatic login.
31/01/2022 20:29:48:327/00:04.04 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Warning: [ LogEOSAuth ] No existing persistent auth credentials were found for a
utomatic login.
31/01/2022 20:29:48:350/00:04.07 WORKSHOP_LOG_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Creat
ing user query for account id 48982572
31/01/2022 20:29:48:351/00:04.07 WORKSHOP_LOG_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Execu
ted SteamUGC->SendQueryUGCRequest waiting for result with api_handle of 14129003
31/01/2022 20:29:48:352/00:04.07 WORKSHOP_LOG_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Creat
ing user query for account id 48982572
31/01/2022 20:29:48:352/00:04.07 WORKSHOP_LOG_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Execu
ted SteamUGC->SendQueryUGCRequest waiting for result with api_handle of 13230866
31/01/2022 20:29:48:563/00:04.28 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
[ LogEOS ] Updating Platform SDK Config, Time: 3.461847
31/01/2022 20:29:48:564/00:04.28 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Requesting u
ser details!
31/01/2022 20:29:48:707/00:04.42 WORKSHOP_LOG_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Publi
shed file detail query returned for query handle - 2 returned 0 out of a possibl
e 0 possible results, the data was NOT retrieved from local cache
31/01/2022 20:29:48:707/00:04.42 WORKSHOP_LOG_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Forwa
rding query results retrieval completed event
31/01/2022 20:29:48:708/00:04.42 WORKSHOP_LOG_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Publi
shed file detail query returned for query handle - 1 returned 0 out of a possibl
e 0 possible results, the data was NOT retrieved from local cache
31/01/2022 20:29:48:709/00:04.42 WORKSHOP_LOG_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Forwa
rding query results retrieval completed event
31/01/2022 20:29:49:415/00:05.13 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
[ LogEOS ] SDK Config Platform Update Request Successful, Time: 4.282065
31/01/2022 20:29:49:419/00:05.13 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
[ LogEOSAnalytics ] Start Session (User: ...)
31/01/2022 20:29:49:421/00:05.14 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
[ LogEOS ] Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 4.313653
31/01/2022 20:29:49:635/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with request url:
31/01/2022 20:29:49:635/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with post data:  grant_type=steam&steam_id=76561198009248300&client_id=1039&c
31/01/2022 20:29:49:636/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging requ
est headers:
31/01/2022 20:29:49:636/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Co
ntent-Type' value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
31/01/2022 20:29:49:636/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with response data:  {"access_token":"5f664f43-3b3c-4c1f-b675-12b927c4ebf3","
ires_in":160465,"scope":"read write","customer_guid":"c01911a8-9364-45d1-978f-75
31/01/2022 20:29:49:636/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with response code:  No error
31/01/2022 20:29:49:638/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging resp
onse headers:
31/01/2022 20:29:49:638/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
ache-Control' value: 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-store'
31/01/2022 20:29:49:638/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
onnection' value: 'keep-alive'
31/01/2022 20:29:49:639/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
ontent-Length' value: '228'
31/01/2022 20:29:49:639/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
ontent-Type' value: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
31/01/2022 20:29:49:639/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'D
ate' value: 'Mon, 31 Jan 2022 19:29:49 GMT'
31/01/2022 20:29:49:639/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'E
xpires' value: '0'
31/01/2022 20:29:49:639/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'H
TTP/1.1 200' value: ''
31/01/2022 20:29:49:640/00:05.35 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'S
erver' value: 'nginx/1.9.6'
31/01/2022 20:29:49:640/00:05.36 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Got user det
31/01/2022 20:29:49:978/00:05.69 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
[ LogEOS ] SDK Config Product Update Request Successful, Time: 4.846099
31/01/2022 20:29:49:982/00:05.70 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Warning: [ LogEOSEcom ] Purchase flow is disabled due to overlay setup failure (
31/01/2022 20:29:49:983/00:05.70 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Warning: [ LogEOSUI ] Social overlay is disabled due to overlay setup failure (E
31/01/2022 20:29:49:983/00:05.70 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
[ LogEOS ] SDK Config Data - Watermark: 346558194
31/01/2022 20:29:49:983/00:05.70 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
[ LogEOS ] ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 4.846099, Update Interval: 30
31/01/2022 20:29:50:319/00:06.03 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with request url:
31/01/2022 20:29:50:319/00:06.03 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with post data:
31/01/2022 20:29:50:320/00:06.03 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging requ
est headers:
31/01/2022 20:29:50:320/00:06.03 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Ac
cept' value: 'application/json'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:320/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Au
thorization' value: 'Bearer 5f664f43-3b3c-4c1f-b675-12b927c4ebf3'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:320/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Co
ntent-Type' value: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:320/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Pr
ovider-Token' value: '14000000e9b00e139fd439c82c6aeb02010010018c38f8611800000001
31/01/2022 20:29:50:320/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Us
er-Locale' value: 'en_US'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:321/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with response data:  {"inventoryItems":[]}
31/01/2022 20:29:50:321/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with response code:  No error
31/01/2022 20:29:50:322/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging resp
onse headers:
31/01/2022 20:29:50:322/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'A
ccess-Control-Allow-Credentials' value: 'true'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:322/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'A
ccess-Control-Allow-Headers' value: 'DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-
31/01/2022 20:29:50:323/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'A
ccess-Control-Allow-Methods' value: 'PUT, GET, POST, OPTIONS'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:323/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'A
ccess-Control-Allow-Origin' value: '*'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:323/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
ache-Control' value: 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:323/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
onnection' value: 'keep-alive'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:323/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
ontent-Length' value: '21'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:323/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
ontent-Type' value: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:323/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'D
ate' value: 'Mon, 31 Jan 2022 19:29:49 GMT'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:324/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'E
xpires' value: '0'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:324/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'H
TTP/1.1 200' value: ''
31/01/2022 20:29:50:324/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'P
ragma' value: 'no-cache'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:324/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'S
erver' value: 'nginx/1.9.6'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:324/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'X
-Content-Type-Options' value: 'nosniff'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:324/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'X
-Frame-Options' value: 'DENY'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:324/00:06.04 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'X
-XSS-Protection' value: '1; mode=block'
31/01/2022 20:29:50:388/00:06.10 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
[ LogEOSMessaging ] Attempting connection to Stomp. LocalUserId=[000...629] Url=
31/01/2022 20:29:50:662/00:06.38 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Warning: [ LogEOS ] Error response received from backend. ServiceName=[Leaderboa
rds], OperationName=[GetLeaderboardStateByName], Url=[<Redacted>], HttpStatus=[4
03], ErrorCode=[], NumericErrorC
ode=[UNSET], ErrorMessage=[Client xyza7891HS04E2dWuR8kzLJ50mvY4Vq9 requires sign
ed in user for leaderboards:readLeaderboard], CorrId=[EOS-dROQCFVZdkO71ae6uDCjnA
31/01/2022 20:29:50:713/00:06.43 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Warning: [ LogEOSLeaderboards ] Failed to get leaderboards ranks. Error=EOS_Unex
31/01/2022 20:29:50:950/00:06.67 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Warning: [ LogEOS ] Error response received from backend. ServiceName=[Leaderboa
rds], OperationName=[GetLeaderboardStateByName], Url=[<Redacted>], HttpStatus=[4
03], ErrorCode=[], NumericErrorC
ode=[UNSET], ErrorMessage=[Client xyza7891HS04E2dWuR8kzLJ50mvY4Vq9 requires sign
ed in user for leaderboards:readLeaderboard], CorrId=[EOS-dROQCFVZdkO71ae6uDCjnA
31/01/2022 20:29:50:954/00:06.67 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Warning: [ LogEOSLeaderboards ] Failed to get leaderboards ranks. Error=EOS_Unex
31/01/2022 20:29:51:131/00:06.85 DISTRIBUTION_EPIC_CHANNEL D 00308 Application:
Warning: [ LogEOS ] Error response received from backend. ServiceName=[Leaderboa
rds], OperationName=[GetLeaderboardStateByName], Url=[<Redacted>], HttpStatus=[4
03], ErrorCode=[], NumericErrorC
ode=[UNSET], ErrorMessage=[Client xyza7891HS04E2dWuR8kzLJ50mvY4Vq9 requires sign
ed in user for leaderboards:readLeaderboard], CorrId=[EOS-dROQCFVZdkO71ae6uDCjnA
31/01/2022 20:29:51:131/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with request url:
31/01/2022 20:29:51:131/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with post data:
31/01/2022 20:29:51:131/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging requ
est headers:
31/01/2022 20:29:51:132/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Ac
cept' value: 'application/json'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:132/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Au
thorization' value: 'Bearer 5f664f43-3b3c-4c1f-b675-12b927c4ebf3'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:132/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Co
ntent-Type' value: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:132/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Pr
ovider-Token' value: '14000000e9b00e139fd439c82c6aeb02010010018c38f8611800000001
31/01/2022 20:29:51:132/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: request: 'Us
er-Locale' value: 'en_US'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:133/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with response data:  {"inventoryItems":[]}
31/01/2022 20:29:51:133/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging thre
ad with response code:  No error
31/01/2022 20:29:51:135/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: Logging resp
onse headers:
31/01/2022 20:29:51:135/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'A
ccess-Control-Allow-Credentials' value: 'true'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:135/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'A
ccess-Control-Allow-Headers' value: 'DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-
31/01/2022 20:29:51:135/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'A
ccess-Control-Allow-Methods' value: 'PUT, GET, POST, OPTIONS'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:135/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'A
ccess-Control-Allow-Origin' value: '*'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:135/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
ache-Control' value: 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:135/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
onnection' value: 'keep-alive'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:135/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
ontent-Length' value: '21'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:135/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'C
ontent-Type' value: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:136/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'D
ate' value: 'Mon, 31 Jan 2022 19:29:50 GMT'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:136/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'E
xpires' value: '0'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:136/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'H
TTP/1.1 200' value: ''
31/01/2022 20:29:51:136/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'P
ragma' value: 'no-cache'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:136/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'S
erver' value: 'nginx/1.9.6'
31/01/2022 20:29:51:136/00:06.85 STORE_CHANNEL D 00308 Application: response: 'X
-Content-Type-Options' value: 'nosniff'
It seems that I solved my issue

I tried this

sudo apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers

then removed what they asked me, updated, and now game running fine Smile

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