04-14-2016, 03:44 AM
As many of you probably saw in my brash, somewhat inflammatory first post on the forums, I had some personal issues in regards to the documentation of applications and projects run by LL. I guess it all started when ShaggyTwoDope had me help him fix up some markdown for lite-update https://github.com/linuxlite/lite-updater. Shaggy had a wonderful foundation of a README.md file, and I helped him spruce it up a little, and even since then he's made it even better (e.g. travis-ci integration). I want to start real simple, and just spruce up the README files for the various github repos of linux lite, using lite-updaters' readme file as a sort of template. The readme is rather simple to understand, brief, but has enough information. e.g.
This will help LL developers (present and future), because they'll have a short, but concise description of each project, instead of having to go through code and see what is used.
Alongside a standardized template for readme files, I feel a simple changelog would be a nice addition (though to be honest, this is what tags are for in git). So developers could keep track of ongoing changes, lite-updater so happens to also have a very nice, simplistic example of a changelog template, made up my ShaggyTwoDope.
As far as the lite-manual goes...I really don't want to tackle that as of right now.
- Project name (with travis-ci shield)
- Brief Description
- Some nice screenshots
- Depends list (bulleted)
- Authors list (bulleted and alphabetical)
- Credits section (bulleted and alphabetical)
This will help LL developers (present and future), because they'll have a short, but concise description of each project, instead of having to go through code and see what is used.
Alongside a standardized template for readme files, I feel a simple changelog would be a nice addition (though to be honest, this is what tags are for in git). So developers could keep track of ongoing changes, lite-updater so happens to also have a very nice, simplistic example of a changelog template, made up my ShaggyTwoDope.
As far as the lite-manual goes...I really don't want to tackle that as of right now.