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Unrar question
Ok i'm a beginner. I installed unrar but the only unrar code i know is x  which unrars to /home/linuxlite.  I  have my rar files on a usb pen. How do i unrar them to the usb pen? I did check the man page but only e seemed relevant but that just unrars to home as well. What is the point of x and e then?  >Sad
Unrar is already installed in Linux Lite. Just extract the file by double clicking on it like you would a zip package. You can then extract the rar file to anywhere that you have permissions to.

I didn't explain myself properly in my OP. I'm trying to use the Terminal to do it. Anyway, I worked it out. simply unrar x myfile.rar /media/linuxlite/mydevice/ where myfile.rar is the filepath for the rar and mydevice is the external drive location. I also experimented with mv to move the file from /home to /mydevice and that worked. So, I'm slowly learning! Of course your way works too as I tried. I'm writing this in case anyone searches in the future.

Is there a list of the most frequently used command Terminal commands and what they do? I know this isn't LL specific. 

And while I've got you can I just say thank you for LL. I developed an audio-visual condition in 2013. I used a high-ish end mac upto then. Now I can only use low spec machines. I'm on a Dell D610. LL runs fine on it. That and a piece of Linux software that a work colleague wrote for free (my employer doesn't support Linux) has enabled me to keep working the same job.
If sticking with command line

Download some wallpapers to make things easier to remember

LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
A nice idea. I didn't even know they existed. Thanks.
(04-08-2015, 08:29 PM)jnektar link Wrote: Jerry,

I didn't explain myself properly in my OP. I'm trying to use the Terminal to do it. Anyway, I worked it out. simply unrar x myfile.rar /media/linuxlite/mydevice/ where myfile.rar is the filepath for the rar and mydevice is the external drive location. I also experimented with mv to move the file from /home to /mydevice and that worked. So, I'm slowly learning! Of course your way works too as I tried. I'm writing this in case anyone searches in the future.

Glad you worked it out Smile

(04-08-2015, 08:29 PM)jnektar link Wrote: And while I've got you can I just say thank you for LL. I developed an audio-visual condition in 2013. I used a high-ish end mac up to then. Now I can only use low spec machines. I'm on a Dell D610. LL runs fine on it. That and a piece of Linux software that a work colleague wrote for free (my employer doesn't support Linux) has enabled me to keep working the same job.

Thank you for your feedback jnektar, much appreciated Smile

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