01-03-2020, 11:43 AM
Faulty drive tried cloning, but didn't work. Where is the critical data for ext4 fs are stored? my drive size is exactly 31,406,948,352 bytes. Only first 512mibibytes seems not to be enough. No partition table just ext4 directly on the drive. The drive is filled with raw music without any headers. So photorec won't work. the drive is detected only untill I try to copy a lot of data (1gb+) off. Copying 512mb at time and connecting them to about 32gb image didn't work. Since I am doing this for personal use only even partitial recovery would be ok. Tried to open the whole image with audacity but the music jumps between multiple files because of lack of filesystem to manage the data. So I can copy data off the drive but getting all data the filesystem needs is my target now.