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Hey Everyone
Hi Everyone,
My Name is Roman I'm a Student of History from Austria and I have switched my entire Workflow over to Linux in 2018 because I didn't like any of Apples Computers since 2013 because even the professional line by then started to become unupgradeable Trash with a sup par lifespan. I had been working on and with Macs for 10 years at that point and going back to a Non-*nix System like Windows was just not in it for me.

So I stayed. Built an entirely liquid cooled Ryzen Workstation with a 1080TI on which after some Distro-Hopping I decided to run ElmentaryOS.

My Laptop (A 2015 MBPro Retina 13") had seen a number of DualBoot Solutions over the last year (Elementary OS+ MacOS, OpenSuse+MacOS, Fedora+ MacOS, Ubuntu + MacOS) Mac OS wise I stayed on 10.11 because all the Operating Systems after El Capitan lacked Stability and were crammed with useless features. When my battery let me know that it had only 70% of its past capacity and the difference became noticeable I wiped the disk and decided to go for something lightweight, optimized and simple which I could then customize to fit my needs. So I went with Linux Lite. Which thanks to a new Theme and a Plank Dock now looks and feels a lot like Cupertinos OS. And yes I love dark themes:
[Image: sFOrd5J.jpg]

I use it primarily for Writing, editing photos, doing research (although most of the big workloads -like batch downloading- are taken over by my workstation) and coding on the go. I work with Processing and have been for a number of years, Bash, Python and I do some RAD development using Lazarus, which is essentially a FOSS Delphi.

I'm very much looking forward to be part of the community Smile Thx for having me ;D
Looks very nice, welcome Smile
Welcome to the Forum and Linux Lite  Smile
That's a cool looking desktop!  Welcome to Linux Lite, and to these fantastic forums.
[member=9313]anarchyreload[/member] ,

Hi, and thanks for joining the forum.
Want to thank me?  Click my [Thank] link.
Welcome to Linux Lite and the forum. I hope you enjoy it here.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
Hello anarchyreload,

Welcome to the forum Smile
Hi anarchyreload, welcome to the forum & thanks for choosing us.
Hopefully LL will meet all your needs - in my experience it has a lot
to offer which you wont find with other distros ...

64bit OS (32-bit on Samsung[i] netbook) installed in [i]Legacy mode on MBR-formatted SSDs (except pi which uses a micro SDHC card):
2017 - Raspberry pi 3B (4cores) ~ [email protected] - LibreElec, used for upgrading our Samsung TV (excellent for the task)  
2012 - Lenovo G580 2689 (2cores; 4threads] ~ [email protected] - LL3.8/Win8.1 dual-boot (LL working smoothly)
2011 - Samsung NP-N145 Plus (1core; 2threads) ~ Intel Atom [email protected] - LL 3.8 32-bit (64-bit too 'laggy')
2008 - Asus X71Q (2cores) ~ Intel [email protected] - LL4.6/Win8.1 dual-boot, LL works fine with kernel 4.15
2007 - Dell Latitude D630 (2cores) ~ Intel [email protected] - LL4.6, works well with kernel 4.4; 4.15 doesn't work

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