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Linux Lite Kernel
hi, im trying to install last driver omega form amd and the log show this error . 

"NOTE: If your system has logged the missing packages required for installation, install them in the order as per the log file to resolve package-dependency issues.
fglrx installation requires that the system has kernel headers.  /lib/modules/4.0.0-linuxlite/build/include/linux/version.h cannot be found on this system.
Install kernel headers using the command apt-get install linux-headers-4.0.0-linuxlite."

the headers are already installed  , this the question ? 
my graphic card is r9 290  whit a amd 8150 processor  i will try whit kernel generic ..... 

pd: im on linux lite 2.4 64 bits  , kernel 4.0 ....
@pablojet please start a thread under Software, Installing Software for your issue.
Just installed on Touchscreen Laptop.
No testing yet but things in general look OK to me.

$ inxi -Fxxx
System:    Host: harry-Latitude-XT2 Kernel: 4.0.0-linuxlite i686 (32 bit gcc: 4.8.2)
           Desktop: Xfce 4.11.8 (Gtk 2.24.23) info: xfce4-panel dm: lightdm
           Distro: Ubuntu 14.04 trusty
Machine:   System: Dell (portable) product: Latitude XT2 Chassis: type: 8
           Mobo: Dell model: 0HJ48R Bios: Dell v: A01 date: 05/07/2009
CPU:       Dual core Intel Core2 Duo U9600 (-MCP-) cache: 3072 KB
           flags: (lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 ssse3 vmx) bmips: 6379
           clock speeds: min/max: 800/1601 MHz 1: 1200 MHz 2: 1200 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Intel Mobile 4 Series Integrated Graphics Controller
           bus-ID: 00:02.0 chip-ID: 8086:2a42
           Display Server: X.Org 1.15.1 drivers: intel (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
           Resolution: 1280x800@60.1hz
           GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Mobile Intel GM45 Express x86/MMX/SSE2
           GLX Version: 2.1 Mesa 10.1.3 Direct Rendering: Yes
Audio:     Card Intel 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller
           driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 00:1b.0 chip-ID: 8086:293e
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.0.0-linuxlite
Network:   Card-1: Intel 82567LM Gigabit Network Connection
           driver: e1000e v: 2.3.2-k port: efe0
           bus-ID: 00:19.0 chip-ID: 8086:10f5
           IF: eth0 state: down mac: 00:23:ae:3c:24:83
           Card-2: Intel WiFi Link 5100
           driver: iwlwifi bus-ID: 0c:00.0 chip-ID: 8086:4232
           IF: wlan0 state: up mac: 00:22:fb:96:cc:72
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 180.0GB (29.1% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sda model: D2CSTK181M11 size: 180.0GB serial: OCZ-OQ3UU619XQCH1EJ6 temp: 30C
Partition: ID-1: / size: 8.6G used: 6.3G (78%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda1
           ID-2: /home size: 157G used: 43G (29%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda2
RAID:      System: supported: N/A
           No RAID devices: /proc/mdstat, md_mod kernel module present
           Unused Devices: none
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 51.0C mobo: N/A
           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A
Info:      Processes: 181 Uptime: 1 min Memory: 259.1/5004.7MB
           Init: Upstart v: 1.12.1 runlevel: 2 default: 2 Gcc sys: 4.8.2
           Client: Shell (bash 4.3.111 running in x-terminal-emul) inxi: 2.2.19

If any problem crops up. I will report it. If not. I will be like Silent Bob.
LL 3.6,2.8
Dell XT2 > Touchscreen Laptop
Dell 755 > Desktop
Acer 150 > Desktop
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
4.1 Linux Lite Kernel is now available for 32 & 64bit machines.
Linux Lite Kernels are now compiled using the clang compiler -

Thanks to the new 24 thread workstation, I'm now able to compile, build, package and release the Linux Kernel within a few hours of the mainline release.

Open a terminal and do:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-headers-linuxlite-4.1.0 linux-image-linuxlite-4.1.0 -y

Ignore any errors in the terminal.

Look forward to your feedback. Thank you.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package linux-headers-linuxlite-4.1.0
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-headers-linuxlite-4.1.0'
E: Unable to locate package linux-image-linuxlite-4.1.0E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-image-linuxlite-4.1.0'
Are you using another LL mirror sysdrum? Perhaps post your sources.list Cheers.
It is seems to skip the linuxlite repo like it is not there.

Current linuxlite repo:
deb beryl main

Fixed the issue; I removed 2 default repo's I did not need through synaptic last week and I think I had to add the repo back which in turn added a source repo over binary..... but you did point me in the right direction... I restore the default source.list and off to the races...
Good stuff Smile

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

I installed the 4.1 kernel on my old Acer netbook.

System:    Host: acer-AOA150 Kernel: 4.1.0-linuxlite i686 (32 bit) Desktop: Xfce 4.11.8 Distro: Ubuntu 14.04 trusty
Machine:  System: Acer product: AOA150 version: 1
          Mobo: Acer model: N/A Bios: Acer version: v0.3310 date: 10/06/2008
CPU:      Single core Intel Atom CPU N270 (-HT-) clocked at 1066.00 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Intel Mobile 945GSE Express Integrated Graphics Controller
          X.Org: 1.15.1 drivers: intel (unloaded: fbdev,vesa) Resolution: 1024x600@60.0hz, 1366x768@59.9hz
          GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel 945GME x86/MMX/SSE2 GLX Version: 1.4 Mesa 10.1.3
Network:  Card-1: Realtek RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller driver: r8169
          Card-2: Qualcomm Atheros AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) driver: ath5k
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 410.1GB (30.3% used)
Info:      Processes: 161 Uptime: 1:29 Memory: 417.6/988.1MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 1.9.17

I ran into a small problem, I get an error when I try to use virtualbox it gives the error shown in the picture below.

[Image: oyRtR0p.png]

When I try to run the terminal command listed in the error message i get:  sudo: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found.
DKMS is installed. When I looked in the /etc/init.d/    this is what is in the directory:

acpid              grub-common  procps      single
apparmor          halt        pulseaudio  skeleton
avahi-daemon      hddtemp      rc          smbd
bluetooth          irqbalance  rc.local    sudo
casper            killprocs    rcS          udev
console-setup      kmod        README      umountfs
cron              lightdm      reboot
cryptdisks        lm-sensors  resolvconf  umountroot
cryptdisks-early  networking  rsync        unattended-upgrades
cups              nmbd        rsyslog      urandom
cups-browsed      ntp          samba        virtualbox
dbus              ondemand    samba-ad-dc  x11-common
dns-clean          openvpn      saned        zram-config
friendly-recovery  pppd-dns    sendsigs

I don't know where to go from here.  Smile
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” - Thomas Edison
@avj looks like you missed the 'setup' part of the command. Full command would be : sudo /etc/initi.d/vboxdrv setup

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


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