07-01-2014, 05:00 AM
Just lost a long post I wrote due to "Internal Server Error" -- not the first time this has happened and very annoyed. (Not at you newtusmaximus. Just needed to vent a little frustration.)
Sorry, don't feel like typing out everything over again, so just reducing to bullet points.
Sorry, don't feel like typing out everything over again, so just reducing to bullet points.
- Don't bother trying to experiment with new kernels. I have a 10-yr old Athlon XP 2600 with old Nvdia graphics. Will test new kernels on it when I get the time an let you know if I notice improvement.
- RE: Daughter's HP
- Graphics problem likely caused because it needs proprietary Nvidia driver to run properly.
- Live DVD only uses generic driver.
- LL 2.0 will likely run graphics fine once Nvidia driver is installed (easy to do).
- If not comfortable installing before knowing for sure that solves problem, you can do a test installation to a USB stick that is 8GB or larger.
- If you want to do that, let us know. We'll give you instructions for doing that.
- Graphics problem likely caused because it needs proprietary Nvidia driver to run properly.
- RE: Shutdown problem
- Once live DVD is ejected and see Feather on screen, hit the <Enter> key to shutdown computer.
- If that does not work:
- Simultaneously hold down these three keys: <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <SysRq> (same as <PrtScn> key)
- While holding those down, SLOWLY type r e i s u b (allow 1-2 seconds b/w each letter typed)
- Simultaneously hold down these three keys: <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <SysRq> (same as <PrtScn> key)
- Once live DVD is ejected and see Feather on screen, hit the <Enter> key to shutdown computer.
- RE: HP DC7700 -- not sure what to do about that. Try using this search engine for possible solutions: Linux Beginner Search Engine.
Try Linux Beginner Search Engine for answers to Linux questions.