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dual booters cautionary news
Dual Booters Cautionary News

One of the biggest discount MS software dealers has developed a security leak on their payment server. Atlantic Discount has yet to take any responsibility for the problem but be aware that I personally made recent purchases there while using Ubuntu LTS and got knicked pretty good at my bank with unauthorized purchases a few days after the initial transaction cleared. Quite simply their payment server is not secure, (and I know it's an internal hack because the connection protocol is secure). I am no ordinary computer user so you can take my word for this. Avoid them for a while even if you have used them in the past. Pay the higher price and use Newegg or Amazon registered suppliers through Amazon. I have chatted with support at AD, and they are certainly loathe to admit to the problem so I'm going to help them admit to it now. I'm old, patient, with time on my hands, but not particularly forgiving of server administrative security incompetence that goes on without any admission of error.

Also deeply discounted but still legal software often has reasons for the discounting usually due lately to containing Windows 10 17xx version bugs, most often the "just a moment" screen bug. There are a series of patches available for this but if you have only one Windows machine and don't know how to fix it login will not be possible on new installs, and after some updates, and even on some brand new OEMs with Windows 10 preloaded (which is very ugly when you think about it), so be careful with your update sequencing, and learn to edit Windows registry from the repair Windows utility. By the way you can circumvent the bug with an Ubuntu live disk and chntpw even on a new install which is easier than adding a patch that itself is awaiting a patch, but eventually the bug will pop again usually after updating. Leave the onboard administrator account without a password activated for a while or you may be fixing the bug several times depending on your update sequencing.

If we are business people we are stuck with Windows, but God it is so much easier to maintain their junk with Linux. Keeps the letters from wearing off my keyboards. Dual boot Linux somewhere on your system if you're stuck with Windows. I will post a follow up note on Atlantic Discount as I'm going to involve Kaspersky now. I have a few friends left that aren't dead yet.

Doing reputable business with consumers (taking their money via servers) means taking responsibility for your hardware systems.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.

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