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Getting the LL Splash screen back after Nvidia driver install
The steps I have taken to do this worked, but the resolution of the loading splash screen are low. This is what I did:

sudo leafpad /etc/default/grub

Look for the line :

Just underneath write the line :

Then :

sudo update-grub

This brings the splash screen back, but it is of course 640x480 (or so it appears). I have tried uncommenting the GRUB_GFXMODE and changing it to 1920x1080 (I am using an HD TV running at this resolution) but it does not change anything. The splash screen was perfect prior to installing the Nvidia driver, and then it was the generic "Ubuntu 14.04" screen. I tried the Lite Tweak for bootup fix and that changed it to a generic Linux Lite 2.8 screen with the loading dots. After the chnage I made above I made headway and actually have the splash screen with the feather but at low resolution.

Any ideas? I know it is not a big deal but it bugs me Smile Any help is appreciated!
Use the resolutions given by the terminal command xrandr. Use one of those resolutions in the line which determinates the onscreen resolution.

My laptop:
MSI GE70-2PE*Quad core Intel Core i7-4710HQ*Kingston 16 GB RAM*Intel 4th Gen. Integr. GPU/NVidia GeForce GTX860M*Qualcomm Atheros Killer E2200/Intel Wireless 3160

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Thanks. I tried that and 1280x1024 was a resolution on the list. It changed the resolution of the grub screen to that, but not of the plymouth splash screen. I don't think the grub config is controlling the resolution of the splash screen.
Wait a minute.  You used to get some sort of boot screen OTHER than the generic 14.04 type or 2.x type???  Those are the only 2 I've ever had.

I was getting the generic 2.8 screen until my last update.  Now, I'm only getting the generic 14.04 screen.  I don't care what rez I get.  For some reason, the 14.4 boot screen bothers me.

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