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MSN website issue/can't scroll through pics
I "THINK" this is a web problem only as I have the same issue on both my LL 2.4 desktop AND my Win7 laptop so I posted in Other but thought I'd see if anyone else had the same issue and/or if there's a fix.

When I'm on a web page where I have to scroll through different pics, I seem to get the same text for all (the text that goes with the first pic) and, after 5 or 6 pics, I can't scroll through any more pics.

Hard to describe but here are a couple examples.

As I scroll through the 6 pics of gross jelly bean flavors, each new pic should have text describing that flavor.  Even while viewing pic 2, 3, 4, etc, the only text I see is the first one.  Starting with pic 5, it won't scroll anymore.
I get the same thing here (and with ANY page that has similar "scrolling").  (Not sure why there's a GMC in the "Mopar Truck Gallery".)  At pic #5, I get a black (blank) screen (in the slideshow, NOT the entire screen) and can't seem to scroll past that.  In addition, the pic numbers ("1 of 53", etc) never change.

I've emptied my internet cache, deleted cookies, rebooted both Firefox and the computer(s).  Not sure what's causing this nor what to do to fix it if there is even a fix.  MSN is run by MicroSloth so I doubt they'll do anything if the problem is on their end (which it must be since I'm having the same issue with both this LL desktop and my Win7 laptop).  I HAVE reported it to them just in case there's someone breathing at their support site.
This seems be a FF issue.  I can view 7 "pages" using midori.  Install midori (or chromiun, etc) and see if you have better luck.

What addons are you using in Firefox?  I think it's probably one of them that is interfering.

In a VM with a fresh Firefox that has no addons, I had no problem clicking through both slideshows.  The first one did change the jelly bean flavor descriptions.

Outside of the VM, on my regular install, my Firefox won't display them because I have several addons that are restricting various things on the page.  I've got NoScript, Request Policy, AdBlockPlus and a couple of other addons.  In my case, both NoScript and Request Policy are blocking things.  If you've got those or similar addons, disable portions of the stuff that's being blocked on that site until it works.
Try Linux Beginner Search Engine for answers to Linux questions.
It seems to be AdBlockPlus.  I never made the connection as I've had ABP on my computer for months (years?) and this just started happening.  I just disabled it on MSN and now things work well.  Thank you, all!
I have Better Privacy, Self-Destructing Cookies, and Privacy Badger.  I suspect the MSN website is placing cookies and/or trying to force users to view ads.


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