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Photo at Login
From the manual on install:

"If you have a webcam, you may encounter a screen during the install asking to 'Take a photo' this feature is supported so that when you first log in, your photo will be displayed as your avatar. If you skip this step, you can use a .png photo of yourself, rename it to .face and place it in your /home/user folder."

I don't have a webcam, but was going to insert a photo as in the second part, but it's unclear to me exactly what to do. 

1) So I take my photo, let's say it's chris.png and I rename it chris.face
2) Where do I put this: If I open Home, I don't have a folder named User, are we talking about my folder named: Chris?  ... and if so, where do I put it in there, should it go into one of the folders in there or just in Chris?  In Filesystem there is a "usr" file but that is "above" Home.

So, basically, do I understand the renaming part correctly and exactly where do I put the renamed folder?

I understand your confusion.  Never bothered trying it myself until now in response to your post.  Turns out you need to rename the file simply as ".face", not "chris.face" (no quotes).

Because of the period starting the file name, it will end up as a hidden file.  Assuming that your username is "chris", you will save the file under your home folder -- "/home/chris".  To see the file later, you'll need to enable showing hidden files in the file manager.  Open file manager and type "CTRL+H", or go to View -> Show Hidden Files.
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I installed mugshot as explained in miskos post,
(12-03-2014, 05:58 PM)gold_finger link Wrote: I understand your confusion.  Never bothered trying it myself until now in response to your post.  Turns out you need to rename the file simply as ".face", not "chris.face" (no quotes).

Because of the period starting the file name, it will end up as a hidden file.  Assuming that your username is "chris", you will save the file under your home folder -- "/home/chris".  To see the file later, you'll need to enable showing hidden files in the file manager.  Open file manager and type "CTRL+H", or go to View -> Show Hidden Files.

I learn something from you guys every day, thanks Gold_finger!

I also tried the mugshot install, which seems neat.  It seemed to work fine, but the 1st time it came up it went to a screen "lightdm-webkit-greeter" in the main window.  I closed it from the task bar and things were normal after that.  Another re-boot and it was totally normal (no "lightdm- ...) but seemed like it took a lot longer to finally boot after password entry, but it came up ok.

Thanks for that link colin!


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